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Women's Tribunal Website
Witness Testimonies
1 | Rosita binti Dollah
2 | Noraini @ Chipang A/P Bah Itam
3 | Siti Fida A/P Tan Kok Tow
4 | Yaliyana binti Lenab
5 | Agnes Padan
6 | Mebpung Akub
7 | Kolon
8 | Alya
9 | Priscilla Collar
10 | Jennifer
11 | Indira Gandhi
12 | Sofia
13 | Latha
14 | Sarasvathy
15 | Tharani Kutty
16 | Roziah binti Mohammed Hashim
17 | Alia Affendy
18 | Siti Nur
19 | Leslie
20 | Shakila Zen
21 | Puan Nora
22 | Haresa
23 | Paddy
24 | Puteri Nuraaina Balqis
25 | Meenambal
26 | Adelina Lisao
Advocate Statements
1 | Constitutional and Legal Framework
2 | Local Domestic Workers
3 | Sexual Harassment and Abuse at Work
4 | Transgender Contract Workers
5 | Gender, Disability, Discrimination
6 | Violence against Domestic Workers
7 | Supplemental Note on Economic Rights
8 | Impact on Health
9 | Violence against Women
10 | Political and Public Life
11 | Education
12 | Family Law and Practices
13 | Gender Identity
Judges | Findings and Recommendations
1 | Preamble
2 | Inequality and Violations at Work
3 | Rights of Contract Workers
4 | Rights of Domestic Workers
5 | Citizenship
6 | Unilateral Conversion
7 | Equality in Family Law and Practices
8 | Education
9 | Rural Health
10 | Gender-Based Violence
11 | Rights of Trans Women
12 | Women in Political and Public Life
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Opening Ceremony
Speech | Chairman, SUHAKAM
Speech | Chairperson, CEDAW Committee
Speech | Vice-Chairperson, UN CESCR
Closing | Deputy Minister, PM's Dept
Press Statement | Steering Committee
Post Women's Tribunal Reflections
Overview | Themes of Women’s Tribunal
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